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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Black Man

Black Man, What is it that I behold? Who is it that I observe? Your eyes show me power, love and at the same time fear and desperation. How far will you let me in? Will you show me your roots? Will you go as far back as when your mothers, daughters and wives watched you being sold to the bidder on the block? Or even farther to where you were snatched from your family and shipped to a land of barrenness and void from a land flowing with diamonds and oil? Where is your power being held hostage?

Black Man, Why do I feel at ease to forego your authority? Disrespect you? When I am actually screaming within, "Put me in my place!" But use that Spiritual Force within you. You are strong but your strenght is being held for ransom or out of control. By whom you many ask? By you? Rise again and fight for your rights as a man. Fight for us, with us and show us that we still are your priority.

Black Man, While others are discovering Facebook, Youtube and the Ipad, you are planning ways to buy drugs, make more babies and escape responsibility. I am not here to break you down, I have tape, glue, screws, bolts, rope, string and the Word to pull you back in line and hold you there! I even brought others with me. We are on a mission to help save us, because if you fail, we fall!

Black Man,The prison and the grave are filled with you. You have a rope around your ankle, pulling you closer to one of them each day. I brought scissors too! We will cut that curse out of your lives too! Dream of being 99 years old and surrounded by the family you prayed for, raised, provided for and loved. This is the end that is planned for you, not a gavel banging on a wood desk sending you to more bondage or a gun shot sending you to premature death.

Black Man,You can make babies, we got that! We want Fathers too! SO be one. Not a donor, a Daddy! Be a real man. It calls for time, resources and responsibility. Not multiple choice. Don't enjoy the sex over and over and over and over again and when she gets pregnant, you don't know what happened. You happened. Yes, sex feel good but without restraint, anything will get out of control. We are at fault too. The system has aided us in getting you back for leaving us, moving on and trying to be happy. No I am not saying its okay for you to forget our child(ren), but you deserve happiness as well. So if it not with us, just help me take care of the children WE made. Visualize the woman you are sexing. Now visualize her when she finds out she is one OF a million. Now visualize her with a daily reminder of you. Now visualize her with the court on her side....Get the picture, Black Man?

Black Man,Reclaim your Faith. It's at the corner of "I don't need you now" and "I am Good." Along the way, you decided you "got this." Now you realize you didn't. Stop allowing lyracists, phophetic relics and the doctrine of devils be your master. NOTHING will ever be made whole within you until you acknowledge your part in the disconnect. Black Man, God is waiting.

Black Man, I was born in you but of a woman. You determined my sex, my DNA and my physical make-up. When God released my Spirit into the Earth, he gave you the seed to be steward over. A watchman. A protector. Doing your job? Would He be happy with your performance. Think about it a while, I'll wait.

Black Man,Stop with the excuses, the okie doke, the foolishness. We need results, bold kings and priests that don't mind putting hand to plow to make this machine move. Mow grass, drive a school bus, clean bathrooms or walk dogs. Whatever it is, get it DONE! Your rightful place is out front, leading us whereever God is leading you.

Black Man,I apologize for trying to take your place. You gave me no choice. I was scared. I should have went to God first but I was looking at my family and knew something had to be done quick. You disappeared. You left without notice. But we want you back. Black Man, return.

Finally Black Man,Through these eyes, I see you struggling back through the obstacles, the neysayers, the detractors. You think you have nothing. That you are nothing. Well let me dispell these rumors. God forgives you, I forgive you and they forgive you. That's all you need. When you get in your rightful place, you will figure out the rest, Black Man. No one is sitting in your chair. Its waiting for you. See you soon.

-Black Woman