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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Moving Your Business With Marketing...

Marketing your business is about how you position it to satisfy your market’s needs. There are four elements in marketing your products and business. They are the four P’s of Marketing. They are:

  1. Product. The development of the correct product attributes to meet the needs of the target market.

  2. Place. The right product at the right price available in the right place to be bought by customers.
  1. Promotion. Informing potential customers of the availability of the product, its price and its place. Promotion entails personal selling, mass selling (advertising, publicity), and sales and promotion.
  1. Price. The right product offered at the right price.
Each of the four P’s is a variable you control in creating the marketing plan that will attract customers to your business. Your marketing plan should be something you pay careful attention to because the success of your business depends on
it. As an entrepreneur, you determine how to use these variables to achieve your profit potential.

These key points are a staple and have been instituted for years but are still relevant today. During the next couple of weeks, I will share how marketing “You” falls within these parameters! We will discuss how to determine the four P’s, research consumer behavior in your target market and other forms of marketing! Stay tuned!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Not Walking Alone...

Last night, I had the chance to sit with my thoughts and reclaim my words. I had been away from the pen (or in this case the keys) for a while because I couldn't bring myself to write anything positive or encouraging. I, myself was wallowing in the pity known as the devil's trap. But now, I am walking in the Light again and it is my existence. But now, I am wondering how many times the Lord will welcome me back from my own pits of despair? He is always there saying, "Daughter, you know that's not what I have for you!" And I always beg forgiveness as I walk back into His loving arms. He takes me back because He knows I love Him, but needs yet another chance! 

Who else is like me? I know I am not alone. It does not matter what walk you are on, you are not alone! There is always someone there, thinking they are on their journey solo. While in a deep conversation with the Lord, I pleaded with Him for "relief" from my trials. But His response put me in my place! "He said as clearly as I had asked, "Daughter, Go Through, for I have a Plan for you." Weeping uncontrollably, I had heard this before, over and over again. And instantly, the Lord encouraged me by saying, "I change NOT!" I am so happy to know that the Lord doesn't change. For when I have another valley episode, if I went back to the Lord and He wasn't there, what would I do? I tell you, people, don't leave the Lord! I appeal to you to cling to His promises, His plan and His purpose. Nothing else will last! Not Facebook, jobs,  bank accounts, him, nor her...ONLY CHRIST!

And remember....You are NOT Walking Alone!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Paying the be my own BOSS!

I get a daily reminder that I am my own boss when I go to the mail box and get the bills and then look at my bank account and what I need is not there...yet!

My husband and I decided that our vision does not make room for both of us working full-time jobs. So, its a no-brainer that he would be the breadwinner while I give my full attention to our vision...Woman-to-Woman Brunch & Beyond (W2W). Many of you have heard me speak of W2W but I wanted to define it for you clearly.

"Woman-to-Woman is an amazing gathering for women seeking revival, rejuvenation and refreshment in their lives through demonstration, guidance and assistance from seasoned professionals in their field. This event is presented by Bona Fide Events, my corporate event management company."

We have hosted W2W in Tennessee and California. Those events were amazing. Please take a look at the highlight video here. Currently, we are preparing for Phoenix, Arizona, and Memphis, Tennessee. W2W  focuses on six key areas: Discovering Your Purpose, Fashion/Beauty/Health Tips & Demonstrations, Career Choices & How to Achieve Them, Financial Fitness, Daily Life Balance (Life Coaching) and Inspiration & Empowerment (Spiritual). What is unique about W2W is that we endeavor to use LOCAL facilitators & speakers.

Well there you have it. You can find more information about W2W on Facebook (Woman-to-Woman Brunch & Beyond), LinkedIn(Woman-to-Woman) and our website at

Me and my husband have sacrificed a lot to birth the vision God has given us. No big vacations, no new "toys" for him and no new Coach purses for me. But we know our reward is in sharing our journey and experiences with women ALL over the country! Actually, we desire to help women globally, all while getting helped ourselves. We want to thank supporters, family, friends and everyone else who had played a part in this vision. 

Get on board!