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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Not Walking Alone...

Last night, I had the chance to sit with my thoughts and reclaim my words. I had been away from the pen (or in this case the keys) for a while because I couldn't bring myself to write anything positive or encouraging. I, myself was wallowing in the pity known as the devil's trap. But now, I am walking in the Light again and it is my existence. But now, I am wondering how many times the Lord will welcome me back from my own pits of despair? He is always there saying, "Daughter, you know that's not what I have for you!" And I always beg forgiveness as I walk back into His loving arms. He takes me back because He knows I love Him, but needs yet another chance! 

Who else is like me? I know I am not alone. It does not matter what walk you are on, you are not alone! There is always someone there, thinking they are on their journey solo. While in a deep conversation with the Lord, I pleaded with Him for "relief" from my trials. But His response put me in my place! "He said as clearly as I had asked, "Daughter, Go Through, for I have a Plan for you." Weeping uncontrollably, I had heard this before, over and over again. And instantly, the Lord encouraged me by saying, "I change NOT!" I am so happy to know that the Lord doesn't change. For when I have another valley episode, if I went back to the Lord and He wasn't there, what would I do? I tell you, people, don't leave the Lord! I appeal to you to cling to His promises, His plan and His purpose. Nothing else will last! Not Facebook, jobs,  bank accounts, him, nor her...ONLY CHRIST!

And remember....You are NOT Walking Alone!


  1. I thank God for blessing me to come back to the LIGHT!

  2. So true and what I needed to read at this moment. Thanks

  3. This is soooo true !! ... I am back in the Light as well ... Love u Lady ....
