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Friday, December 31, 2010

Brand New Way....To Pray!

A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I had the pleasure of seeing our girls in a Christmas play at church. They put on a mini-concert, complete with acts, songs, dances and prayer! It was an amazing feat for a youth pastoral team to get 40 kids, ages 5-11 to cooperate and choreograph as one. But they did it. There were a few hiccups here and there but for the most part, it was wonderful. 

The storyline was simple. The church group (kids) had to find a place outside of church to go and minister in song during the holiday season (per their pastor's request). The "clique" wanted to go and do it at the mall because they could "kill two birds with one stone" and shop too. The mall manager didn't want them to come because they were gonna minister and not bring reindeer, nativity scenes, etc. Just them! He declined. Well another suggestion was a shelter in downtown. This did not go over so well because the girls were afraid that the "homeless" would be too "scary." And one of the group suggested, "Let's ask Jesus to protect us in the NEW thing." A light came on. For me and a lot of others in the room. I could see it. 

Many times we we fear the unknown and we embrace the familiar. The mall was a comfort zone for the girls but the shelter was a "challenge." I am hearing 2011 for a lot of us will be a challenge. A challenge to buck the known and the familiar. To get out of the "norm" and do something radical. To "trust" who you say you believe..."Jesus." I was talking to a friend today and she is clearing her plate of the "familiar" and putting on some huge challenges. I took the plunge six months ago when I decided that God plan was better than ANYTHING I could cook up. And in just three months, I hosted our first "Woman-to-Woman" conference. I accomplished one and now he said, "You got it, now GO!" 

I want to encourage you not to make "idle threat" resolutions for the new year that you know you want to accomplish but have not decided to dump the "norm" and make room for the NEW. You will only look back with regret and disappointment at what you thought were great intentions.

Its a Brand New Day...Yeah Yeah! I Made My Choice, I will listen for His Voice. I found a Brand New Way to Pray! Yeah Yeah!

Happy New Year to All!

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