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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Don't Forget Your Pills...

Christmas Day was a blessed day for many of us as it was the day we celebrate the birth of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. As we so eloquently do, we "rig" it up with food, gifts, travel, video and photos, ball games and everything we can think of. All of those things are fine and as long as Jesus remains the focus, a blessing.

This morning, I was getting the family ready for services and I got that call we always hate. The one that says a loved one is in the hospital or not doing well. The call came from my sister-in-law. It's Dad. Thirty minutes after I talked to him last night, he went to the Emergency Room with chest pains. His friend was there with him so God had someone in place! The ER doc noticed the issue that got him there and immediately began treatment and processed him for admission. His friend notified family and here we go!

My Dad, like many of us, have health conditions that has caused him to be on maintenance medications. He told me this morning from his hospital chair that he decided not to take a few here and a few there because he was feeling alright! WHAT you say???? I was floored. He has done this before. And I don't know if it won't happen again but I do know I want him to be better now, not later. As his baby, I feel so lost and helpless 2,200 miles away tucked away in my home in Arizona and he is in a cold, sterile hospital room in Tennessee. But family is going to the rescue. I got my cousins, aunts and friends calling and headed out there to see him. My Dad is a great father and I want to know that when he is not feeling well, someone, if not me, is there to be a helping and supportive hand. So Dad, the Calvary is coming. And please don't get mad, I know how you like to chill by yourself. You can spank me later (smiling coyly)

My parting words today are these: Even though we are celebrating and having a great time this holiday season, please know that our family members, old and young are fighting battles or may come into harms way. So while we pray for everything else, pray for good health and physical safety as well. HEALTH is one thing you cannot purchase at the Mall. Take your Pills!


  1. So happy Daddy is in the care of good people. Continue to pray for him!

  2. im having this same convo with my parents..TAKE YOUR MEDS.. i hope ur dad is doing better!
