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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It Never Fails...

Looking out the window at the birds eating the newly spread seeds of our winter grass, I can only think about the gamut of emotions I have gone through the last 24 hours. While I am so exciting and anticipating all the great things that are coming my way, I was thrown into an emotional spiral by a few personal events in my life. I don't feel the need to share the details but I will say, sometimes you just have to get it out! Cry like crazy and let it go! And so, I did it. Now today, I am a little sore and puffy but clear. Now its time to get back to work.

So with that, today I am reinventing me again. I am so glad Jesus gives second, third and fifty second chances.  I want to win, so I have to try...again and again and again. The power of getting back up is inspiring. It lets me know that I still have something within that has to come out! Thank you Lord for blessing me with the power to rise again. I am a phoenix. It is said a phoenix has a fire spirit. That's me. I can't be quenched! They say that its "cry" is as a beautiful song. I will sing my song of triumph and praise!

I know this blog isn't the norm but its me. I wish your day be filled with Thanksgiving and praise.Take time to enjoy the birds...even if they are eating your seeds!

Still I rise!

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