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Thursday, November 25, 2010


Thanksgiving is on the lips and/or in the stomachs of many of us on this day. I can remember as a child and young adult, I expected to feast on love, food and laughter with the ones I loved and who loved me back. We went through life's ups and downs together and relished the time we had together. But at some point, it changes. Not for good or bad, but change nonetheless. You get families, move away, fall out over nothing or whatever the case, its not the same. 

I have learned in the past two weeks that life is a fleeting concept even more than what I had imagined. It is not to be held lightly or taken for granted. If you love someone truly, you would not let a moment, hour or a day pass without thinking, praying for being in that person's presence. Holidays are not the time to start acting like family. We are family in every tick of the clock. And when that clock runs out on our loved one, they should know that they were loved. 

I refuse to allow this holiday to put me in bondage of tradition. I like to fellowship, eat and cook with and for family but I am not going to get all pumped up about it. But what I will do today is call three of my family members/friends and let them know, "Hey, I wanted you to know that  you are loved and you count." I may say "Happy Thanksgiving," but that's not the purpose of my call. People are leaving this earth and are leaving behind people who can't remember why they weren't speaking, if that person knew they loved them or even if they knew Jesus as the TRUE Savior. On my watch, everyone who is within my power to reach will know they are loved, Jesus lives and He saves. So when this life is over and all is said and done, I want the Lord to say, "Karla, Well Done." SIMPLE. No crown, streamers, singing choirs, marching bands, cheering fans needed. Just HIM and ME. I will be FREE!

Let's love on someone today. I love you!


  1. Awesome word Cuz, many of us have for gotten what Apape Love truly means "love unconditional". We no longer for give and for get of appreciation to HIM to be able to stand before HIM and hear him say well done. No this doesn't mean allowing someone to continually hurt you but to for give them and carry it in your heart not necessarily on your forehead. Love you God Bless.

  2. Amen, sis! Thanks for stopping by! Its great to be a blessing!
